Network Monitoring, Analytics and Control

A water distribution network is best understood geographically. Sentryx Intelligent Network (“iNet”) provides a powerful Google Maps interface, which layers information and insights onto a map, bringing together network-relevant data to maximise actionable insight in a single location. It offers the broadest set of analytical functionality, and the easiest method of reviewing, sharing and actioning insights by displaying data in graph form, and in a tabular format that enables extensive sorting and filtering.

The solution is hardware agnostic, and supports data ingress from both i2O and non-i2O devices deployed anywhere in the network. In addition, network analytics supports full API integration with third party systems, enabling the analysis of broad data sets. Data can then be exported using sFTP and an external facing API. The system delivers the highest levels of availability and information security to help identify problems sooner and reduce water loss.



i2O Network Analytics will:


Reduce water loss by identifying problems sooner


Enable assets to be maintained more efficiently based on condition


Identify opportunities to optimise the network


Report on network performance


Network analytics has a number of features that can be separately licensed, meaning that you can use some or all of the functions.

  • Threshold breaches, and, with i2O’s loggers, automated threshold setting
  • Event detection powered by Artesia’s eVader algorithm, which uses historical data to learn a normal pattern and then checks all new data against this to raise warnings and alarms about deviations from the norm
  • Data availability, which reports on devices that are not delivering data and the information that helps diagnose the cause (signal strength, battery, etc.)
  • Transient detection, which uses i2O loggers’ maximum, minimum and standard deviation pressure values in each measurement interval to calculate the magnitude and frequency of pressure transients
  • Network analytics is hardware agnostic. It can use data from i2O’s loggers, and can also ingest data from other manufacturers’ loggers and flowmeters, directly or indirectly.

Our innovation roadmap includes:

  • PRV condition monitoring
  • Further enhancements to transient detection
  • Inclusion of GIS data to show key network assets
  • Acoustic sensor data and analysis
  • Night use analysis


Improved customer service

Network analytics enables you to detect issues earlier, communicate proactively to customers and resolve issues before they escalate. Multiple methods of detection enables triangulation, which gives a much greater lead time than multiple customer calls from the same area

Reduced maintenance cost

Maintenance can be scheduled on the basis of condition rather than time/risk/failure. This reduces expenditure, and the time taken to resolve problems. With large numbers of loggers now deployed, it is more important than ever that these are working so that their data is available for analysis

Reduced water loss

Network analytics can identify transients and prioritise them using magnitude and frequency. Monitoring of PRV condition can also ensure that PRVs are maintained in a way that reduces failures that lead to leakage and bursts

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