El manual para la gestión de los apagones de practicas óptimas
En un evento reciente experimentado por Anglian Water en el RU en marzo de 2017, un tweet fue recogido por el medio de comunicación local LincolnshireLive del residente Phil Scrafton que tuiteó en Anglian Water: «No hay agua para 20 horas, un bebé recién nacido necesita comida, múltiples llamadas a usted y aún no hay […]
Read moreInnovación para ahorrar agua y controlar las fugas
En la edición de diciembre de Water Active publicamos un artículo en el que explicamos por qué creemos que gracias a la innovación, especialmente en el Reino Unido, se está ahorrando agua y se están controlando mejor las fugas.
Read moreWater down the pan
Billions of litres of water are being wasted because dual-flush toilets leak.
Read moreCentral Device Management
Connecting all of your logging devices from anywhere in your network and providing detailed feedback – all from one portal
Read morePressure logging or acoustic logging?
Stuart Mawditt asks a great question: what delivers the best benefits acoustic or pressure logging?
Read morei2O one of the 10 GreenTech companies to watch
i2O has been named one of the Top 10 Sunday Times Tech Track BGF Green Tech to Watch.
Read moreLeak detection – chasing your tail
£30m is a lot of money. For 100,000 listening devices. That cover just 20% of the network. Will they deliver the leakage reduction anticipated?
Read moreArtesia Consulting and i2O Water announce client for SIDS
Following last month’s announcement of the first product resulting from their partnership, Artesia Consulting and i2O Water are delighted to announce Yorkshire Water as a client for the Supply Interruption Detection Services SIDS.
Read moreEngland will run out of water within 20 years
Foreigners think it always rains in the UK and they know it’s a group of islands surrounded by water, so this news may come as a surprise.
Read moreArtesia Consulting & i2O Water strategic partnership
Artesia Consulting and i2O Water are delighted to announce a global strategic partnership that will make Artesia’s Data Analytics software available to i2O’s clients as part of the iNet advanced analytics solution.
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