Water crisis

Let’s google ‘water crisis’ in the news and see whether i2O’s list of challenges measures up (recognising that there is a skew to English language reporting).

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Water scarcity: New Mexico Land Commissioner Cites Fresh Water Crisis

More extreme weather events: Rs 2-crore plan to overcome water crisis in Belagavi

More extreme weather events: SACP, ANC unite to address water crisis in Qwaqwa

Population growth, more extreme weather events, water scarcity, availability of capital: The approaching crisis: Is the world running out of water?

Ageing infrastructure: Flint water crisis: Officials charged with manslaughter overFlint officials may face jail for water crisis. That’s bittersweet news Flint Doctor Who Helped Expose Lead Water Crisis Is Fighting forIn Flint water crisis, could involuntary manslaughter charges actually

Availability of capital: SACP, ANC unite to address water crisis in Qwaqwa

Population growth, urbanisation and more frequent extreme weather events make delivering adequate customer service through ageing infrastructure increasingly difficult when there is no more money to fund improvements. Yes, i2O’s list of challenges faced by the water industry globally are well represented in a selection of news chosen on a random day of the year.