El manual para la gestión de los apagones de practicas óptimas
En un evento reciente experimentado por Anglian Water en el RU en marzo de 2017, un tweet fue recogido por el medio de comunicación local LincolnshireLive del residente Phil Scrafton que tuiteó en Anglian Water: «No hay agua para 20 horas, un bebé recién nacido necesita comida, múltiples llamadas a usted y aún no hay […]
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Innovación para ahorrar agua y controlar las fugas
En la edición de diciembre de Water Active publicamos un artículo en el que explicamos por qué creemos que gracias a la innovación, especialmente en el Reino Unido, se está ahorrando agua y se están controlando mejor las fugas.
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Confused by comms options?
Don’t know the difference between 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, LPWAN, 3GPP, LTE-M, NB-IoT, and NR?
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Zeolite. Nothing new under the sun.
Chinese researchers show how to use Zeolite as a low-cost household water treatment. 2,000 years after the Mayans used Zeolite at Tikal.
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Will Trump poison the well for Biden?
Speculation is rife that Trump will create problems for Biden before he leaves office. Foreign policy issues like the trade war with China and bombing Iran to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons grab the headlines.
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Imelda Marcos: fix the dams
Imelda Marcos has called on the Philippines government to fix the country’s dams and other water infrastructure.
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Dam Chihuahua
Mexican farmers went to war last month to protect their water supply and seized 2 dams in Chihuahua. One woman was shot dead during the unrest.
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New i2O mobile app for loggers
i2O Water is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of its Mobile Configurator app. The app enables i2O loggers to be installed using a mobile phone. The connection to the logger is via a proprietary USB cable which provides a much more reliable connection than wireless connections such as Bluetooth.
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