Water crisis hits industry in Mangalore
The media underplay the impact of a water crisis on industry.
Read moreExciting time for water sensors
Ofwat associate director Alison Fergusson is reported as saying that the cost of monitoring and having real-time data has really come down.
Read moreSMS fallback? Do you have a typewriter in the office?
Using SMS as a fallback is like keeping a typewriter in the office in case the printer breaks. If you’re old enough, you’ll remember when offices only had typewriters. Then electric ones. Then word processors. Then computers. Let’s not mention fax machines.
Read moreBefore the clock starts ticking
Last week’s blog focused on managing incidents once you become aware of them, noting how i2O’s eNet solution can support you in being more effective at this.
Read moreThe clock is ticking
When disaster strikes, the clock starts ticking. In a water company that could mean a water quality incident, a burst; a sewer overflow, a pollution incident; a physical security breach, an IT security breach; or a health & safety incident.
Read moreIT weather forecast: Cloudy
Read through Water Briefing’s list of tenders (yes, of course we do) and you will notice something interesting. It contains some unfamiliar acronyms: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. PaaS doesn’t stand for Pizza as a Service, but it’s used as a fantastic analogy as part of a nice primer from Hosting Advice that explains the acronyms […]
Read moreCanada’s water crisis
News from Canada’s Global Institute for Water Security. Climate change is going to wreak havoc with water supply. Glaciers are melting; river flows are becoming more unpredictable; and lakes are filling with toxic algae. Floods, droughts and wildfires, and the extreme damage they cause, are becoming more frequent.
Read moreCloud seed idea
Dam levels in Manila, Philippines are below critical levels. Thousands of customers have experienced limited or no water supply for several days after Manila Water cut its services without a prior advisory. Climate phenomenon El Niño has also been blamed.
Read morePaying the price of water
When you look at the image from space, you’d wonder why anyone living near the Great Lakes in North America was short of water. Water isn’t usually a significant household expenditure. But in Chicago the cost of water for the average family of four nearly tripled in the last decade.
Read moreUK Regulator industry exam results
Water industry regulator Ofwat has reviewed the 5 year plans offered up by UK water companies for 2020-2025. Unlike the new 9 – 1 GCSE grades in England, there are only 3 categories when it comes to marking: A*, Must do better, and Fail.
Read moreDrought Contingency Plan
Lake Mead is a reservoir that helps supply water for 25 million people in Nevada, Arizona, and California, and some in Mexico. The dam that created the lake is the Hoover Dam, built in 1936. It is one of a series of dams in the West of the USA that store water and generate electricity […]
Read moreToxic brine from desalination plants
A new study has highlighted the problem of brine discharged from desalination plants. More than half the brine comes from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar, with Saudi Arabia alone accounting for 22%. 3 countries – the Maldives, Malta and the Bahamas – meet all their water needs with desalination.
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