i2O launches new Control Logger as part of its iNet network monitoring and analytics solution
i2O, the smart water network solutions company, has today announced the launch of its new Control Logger. The device is a pressure and flow logger with 3 pressures and bidirectional flow capability. This would typically be used at the entry to a zone on a PRV to measure upstream, downstream and control space pressures and […]
Read moreEnvironmental extremists and overzealous bureaucrats
We often cite as the challenges that water companies face: increasing and urbanising population, ageing infrastructure, water scarcity and more extreme weather events, more demanding customers, an ageing workforce, and difficulties in raising or accessing capital. The congressmen who are pictured around the President of the United States of America when he signed the Presidential […]
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No water for 300 families in Greater Noida for 2 days
Greater Noida City is a north Indian city with a population in excess of 100,000, located in the Gautam Budh Nagar district of the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. A valve in the pipeline failed on Saturday. Residents complained about the lack of water. Water tankers were dispatched to provide temporary supply. Supply was resumed on Sunday […]
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Water wars
You may think that the Cape Town water crisis is over. But we can only really say that we’re past the peak reporting of it. There’s a fascinating article in the Columbia Journalism Review about the phrase ‘Day Zero’ and the media campaign masterminded by PR agency Resolve Communications.
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Next generation network monitoring
Next generation network monitoring. Coming soon from i2O… A network monitoring system that: Monitors the network for problems caused by bursts, leaks, changes in customer demand, theft, transients, engineering work, network design issues Reports on the condition of assets in the network: pipes, PRVs, valves, pumps, flow meters, loggers, controllers, actuators Reports on network performance
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Why go into the office?
There are certainly downsides to working from home: Social isolation Lack of support and input from colleagues Interruptions and distractions IT issues
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Need a dam? Try crowdfunding
Water companies face many challenges. Increasing and urbanising population, more extreme weather events, ageing network infrastructure, an ageing workforce, and customers becoming more demanding. The problem is they don’t have more money to address these challenges.
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i2O launches new eNet event management software solution for water utilities
i2O is delighted to announce the addition of eNet to its suite of smart network solutions. eNet extends i2O’s ability to help its clients deal with the challenges of increasing and urbanising population, more extreme weather events, ageing network infrastructure, an ageing workforce, customers becoming more demanding, and difficulty in increasing revenue or accessing capital.
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How to win when the chips are down
Incident Management Software has the following benefits: Faster time to resolution Quick access to relevant information Reduced time to analyse and determine next best action Easy and automatic escalation No missed steps No duplicated activity Visibility from any location of progress and decision logic Quick review after closure for lessons learned
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i2O collaborates with Badger Software to extend its suite of smart network solutions
i2O is pleased to announce that its new event management solution eNet will be powered by Badger Software’s CLIO product.
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Water crisis compounded by poor communication
The San Francisco Chronicle says that a new report identifies that poor communications compounded the challenges faced in Salem, Oregon, USA.
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Event management
‘An incident is an event that could lead to loss of, or disruption to, an organization’s operations, services or functions.‘ There are processes relating to managing an event, to bring it to a conclusion as quickly and effectively as possible before it escalates into an emergency, crisis or a disaster.
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